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I feel honored to be the inspiration for "Bonnie's song". - anonymous
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Alec J. Male

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      The son of Polish immigrants, Alec started life on March 27, 1916. He started working at the age of two collecting fire wood in a small pull wagon to provide heating and cooking fuel for his family. At the age of three Alec started composing. One of his better known pieces from his early work is Show Me The Way To Go Home. There are many other, now popular, drinking ballads attributable to Alec during his singleton years. When asked why he choose this genre at such a tender age he replies "I should have been beaten every morning, noon and night." In fact much of Alec's new work, still fresh and bold, has its roots in his early childhood.

      During Alec's early adulthood period, sometimes referred to as The Great Depression, Alec worked and played various sports. The main job he recounts is that of kitchen help in a Boston diner restaurant. Ever hear the term "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen"? Well, Alec was The Heat. In addition to becoming a renowned lyricist, musician and performer, Alec is a master chef. From all over the country and the world people flock to not only sample the menu but to watch the artist at work. It is uncanny how closely Alec's kitchen manner resembles his stage performances. After watching Alec cook you'll know where Blue Man Group got a couple of their ideas. Full of life and daring escapades, food preparation by Alec is almost as much of a treat as eating the results. What is Alec's secret to great cuisine? Alec says "No secret. Just leave it in the pan. It adds to the flavor."

      Alec later went on to become the country's best manual lens grinder. Working for American Optical his work list reads like the Who's Who for the last century, good guys and bad. Some of the more notable include sun glasses for Winston Churchill, King Saud of Saudi Arabia, reading glasses for David Rubinoff, Teddy Green, and the four Brinks robbers.

      An avid athlete well into his sixties, Alec is a still a formidable figure on stage. Many of the so called "young people fads" observed throughout the years pay tribute to Alec's unique on stage style as a source of inspiration. Early U.K. Punk, Head Banging, Break Dancing and the Mosh Pit all bear his influence. When approached by his many adoring fans after a show they invariably ask how he does it. He replies "I was quick in my younger years." Some faint, some swoon but Alec is always there to catch the fallen. His speedy navigation of crowds was often called "The Polish Crawl" but is more popularly known now as "Crowd Surfing".

by: Dirt Garden
Last Modified: August 9, 2006 10:41 PM
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